Dr. Dominic Veconi
Teacher-Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Mathematics
Wake Forest University

About Me
I am a Postdoctoral Teacher-Scholar in the Department of Mathematics at Wake Forest University. I am teaching Calculus I in the Fall semester. My research is in dynamical systems and ergodic theory; specifically I study nonuniform and singular hyperbolic dynamics, thermodynamic formalism, and smooth ergodic theory.
Prior to working at Wake, I was a teaching fellow at Coventry University in the United Kingdom. Before that, I was a researcher in the mathematics section of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. In addition to being a researcher at ICTP, I was also a tutor in both the ICTP mathematics diploma program and the International Mathematics Master at COMSATS, Lahore, Pakistan. In the latter, I was also the coordinator for the IMM course in Complex Analysis in the Fall of 2021.
In the Spring of 2021 I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from Penn State University under the supervision of Yakov Pesin. While at Penn State, I also taught several undergraduate mathematics courses at various levels, was a member of the Eberly College of Science Committee for Climate and Diversity, and was a founding member of the Department of Mathematics Graduate Student Association.
Before being a Ph.D. student at Penn State, I received my bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College in 2015, where I also worked as a peer tutor in the Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning Center.
For a list of publications and my research statement, see Research. For a list of past courses taught and my teaching philosophy, see Teaching. To learn about my commitment to equity in mathematics research and education, see Diversity and Inclusion. To see slides and notes from some of my recent talks, see Presentations.
I also have a blog where I wax philosophic on math, science, and spirituality. Check it out here!